Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Violent Against Their Neighbors

Dante shows much outrage in The Inferno toward his contemporaries in regards to the different sins individuals have committed.  This outrage can relate to modern society today.  Authorities made an arrest on December 6, 2010 in the first homicide ever in Celebration, Florida, a Disney-developed community.  David-Israel Murillo, a homeless man, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for the death of 58-year-old Matteo Giovanditto.  According to investigators, Giovanditto was beaten and strangled to death inside his condominium sometime over Thanksgiving weekend.  Murillo and Giovanditto had known each other for about a year and a half before the murder.  The two men had been drinking on November 24 and got into a fight soon after.  Murillo became angry and beat Giovanditto unconscious with an ax he found in the closet.  When investigators brought Murillo in for questioning, they found out he was trying to sell coins that Giovanditto owned.  Detectives soon found Giovanditto's iPad, money, and collector's coins at the homeless camp where Murillo was living.

It makes me mad how a person kills another person just because of a conflict they did not agree on.  Everyone has fights and disagreements as some point in life, but they shouldn't get to the point where one is fighting for their own life.  If the two men got in a fight, they should have settled their disagreements in a manneristic way or apologized instead.  Murdering someone is not the way to go; in this case it is a selfish act.  Murillo killed Giovanditto so he could acquire some of Giovanditto's belongings that included cash, an iPad, and collector's coins.  Why would you want to take someone's life just to obtain some belongings you wanted?  Will that bring you one step closer to reaching your goal?  Murdering an individual does not conceal trouble; instead it stirs up even more trouble that the murderer got himself caught in in the first place.

Dante addresses this issue in The Inferno in Circle Seven.  The crime described above would go under Violent Against their Neighbors, people who committed murder.  According to Dante, these sinners' punishment are they are stuck in a river of boiling blood, and centaurs stab them with spears and shoot them with arrows when attempting to rise from the river.  I believe that Dante and I would be in agreement regarding this issue.  Killing a human being is a horrible sin no matter what, so there needs to be consequences for it.  Therefore, the individuals who were violent against their neighbors have to boil in the blood that they spilled in life, and since they committed violence towards others, they will have violence upon them forever.

The video to the right of this is an interpretation made by some students on Circle Seven for an English project.  The first part of the video is on Violent Against their Neighbors, the round that relates to moral outrage of modern society.


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